
Parking at the CGC

Making sense of CGC Member/User parking & Lacewood Terminal

August 27, 2015

With the opening of the new Halifax Transit Lacewood Terminal next door, it means the Canada Games Centre has become even more convenient for many of our members, users and staff. The terminal has been designed with a passenger drop-off/pick-up area located at the back of our Side Lot, but not with dedicated parking. With this in mind, we’ve taken steps (and counted them!) to make sure our members and users have priority parking.

Front and Side Parking Lots – CGC Parking Only

  • These lots are designated for Canada Games Centre User parking only and now have ample signage indicating as much.
  • Security will be on-hand to help direct transit riders to park in the Upper Lot, where their vehicles will not be ticketed/towed, and where they can feel good about adding at least 650 steps to their exercise routine. (…That’s right we counted the steps with a pedometer and then cross referenced with a map and the average number of steps in a km. We also did that for CGC members & users who park in the Upper Lot… you’d add at least 300 steps to your workout!)

Upper Lot – Additional CGC Parking, but okay for Transit Rider Vehicles

  • Our Side Lot leads into another lot – the Upper Lot. This area can be used for additional CGC parking, during tournaments for example, but is also okay for transit rider vehicles. Please keep in mind though that parking is limited and that none of our lots allow for overnight parking.

As the terminal activity increases with the back to school/back to work time of year, we will continue to monitor our parking lots to assess whether any additional measures are needed.

Join the Discussion

  1. Joyce boudreau

    This sure looks like a potential problem to me! I think CGC folks should have a parking display for their cars not unlike the system at Dalplex. Temp daily ones for day folks. I certainly will not be happy to go there and no place to park

    • Canada Games Centre

      Hi Joyce,

      Thank you for your comment. We understand your concern and certainly don’t want to make you unhappy. Parking displays for member and user vehicles is something we’re considering.

  2. Bruce

    this winter with all the snow the parking lot got smaller and smaller and the upper lot had to used although hard to get into and out of as one lane only and snow banks in side parking lot. Are you going to take this into account with the increased usage from the transit riders?

    • Canada Games Centre

      Hi Bruce,

      Thank you for your message. Naturally all good points and no secret that last winter was a snow removing challenge everywhere. We have thought ahead and will be working with HRM and snow removal companies to address the plowing of the lots so we’ll be ready for whatever the season may bring.

  3. Jennifer

    I also think this could be a parking nightmare. I think a parking display for members cars would be fantastic and temporary daily ones for day passes. I hope this doesn’t become an issue because I am sure it would cause a fair amount of friction for regular full time gym users and members

  4. Donna Trafford

    I live on Walter Havill Drive. The people who are concerned about parking are correct. We have had issues with people parking in our visitor parking and then car pooling or taking the bus downtown. We have had to take drastic measures and hire a policing firm for parking, that will boot abusers. There is the potential for this at your parking lot. A display for members, or some other method will be needed, with the terminal so close. Be warned.

    • Canada Games Centre

      Thank you Donna for your comment. It’s always helpful to hear about the experiences others have had dealing with a similar scenario. We currently have security on hand to direct transit riders looking to park for the day, and we are continuing to monitor the usage levels of our Upper Lot to determine whether any additional measures to protect Centre parking for members and visitors are needed moving forward.