You Make It Happen – Bernice’s Story

We all have aches and pains, now and then, but Bernice suffered all the time. At 66, Bernice was living with chronic pain and illness, and it weighed her down not only physically but mentally too. “My life was: bed, depression, get up, and go back to bed, depression.”

Despite feeling there was so much she was unable to do physically; Bernice took the first step to healthy living. She signed up for a membership at the Canada Games Centre and it was the best decision she made. She now gets up and out of bed early and works out individually and takes part in group workouts at least three times a week. Bernice found encouragement through meeting “other seniors who had many more limitations” than herself. They “are out every day, walking with their canes coming with their wheelchairs, it’s just amazing.”

“I have my personality back, and I feel like life is worth living.”

Bernice found relief and mobility in the water, taking part in Aquafit classes that were suitable for her. The more that she moved, the more she realized she was able to do without pain. This encouraged her to partake in classes and activities outside of the pool. “I like the rower and I use the bike and I also like taking classes in a team environment.” With the help of the instructors, encouraging and understanding her abilities and limitations, Bernice didn’t have any pressure to be the best while she is exercising. She was encouraged to do her best at her pace.

Bernice‘s outlook has changed dramatically since joining the CGC. “I have my personality back, and I feel like life is worth living.” Before the Centre she was unable to keep up with her active husband, and do the things she loved to do; like dancing. “I really love music so [now] I’m dancing around the kitchen, while doing laundry, but I hadn’t been able to do that for so long.”

The Canada Games Centre was able to give Bernice more than she could have imagined. Bernice is off her medication and living life to the fullest. She got her life back and is no longer limited by the pain that once plagued her.