Meagher Family

December 2016

Meet the Meagher family - (from left to right) James, Claire, Dave and Angela! Though their individual fitness goals may be different, they collectively and consistently make physical activity a priority for their family. We caught up with them and asked a few questions about what motivates them and how they make it all work.

"CGC is a place we can all go with one [family] membership either together or independently whichever suits our schedules."

  • What motivates you?
Angela - "My family. I want to stay young at heart and in good physical condition. I am a nurse and see the consequences of inactivity every day, so my goal is to do everything I can to avoid those consequences." Dave - "For me it was hockey.  As I aged I wanted to keep playing, but noticed there were less players my age and the new players were getting younger and faster. I had to make a change if was going to keep playing. Angela convinced me to try the drop-in fitness classes. Both Angela & Claire really enjoyed them and said I would have good time. At first, they were both intimidating and hard, now they are just hard. The CGC fitness instructors are incredible and, almost three years later, continue to challenge us to reach new levels. Now I am in a friendly competition with my brother to lose weight." James - "I understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I like to focus on both exercise and diet, as they go together in creating a healthy lifestyle. I just want to be in the best physical condition I can be, and now is the best time for me to build muscle mass." Claire - "My motivation to workout and stay fit mostly comes from my personal trainer Ashley. She is  is truly inspirational and knowledgeable. My current fitness goal is to become as strong as I can by May 2017, when I hope to compete in my first Powerlifting meet. Long term I am interested in medicine (neurosurgery). When I reach this goal I will be working 12+ hour days and I want to have good habits before I get there to stay fit and healthy."
  • What's your favourite workout?
Angela & Dave "The drop-in fitness classes are our favourite activities. We try to get to 4 - 5 each week, and Claire joins us for almost all of them. We are still working on getting James to try his first class." Claire "I enjoy the group fitness classes, however my favourite workout would be any of the 3 big lifts - squat, bench, deadlifts, also known as SBD - as they are my main goal at the moment. My favourite of the big 3 is the squat, however I am also currently enjoying bench press.  James - "I like the weight gym. Good equipment and a smart layout which gives you a lot of room."
  • What's your favourite post workout snack/meal?
Dave "I usually go to the gym right after work, so my post workout snack is supper - anything the microwave can heat up in 2 minutes is fine by me. My guilty pleasure is chocolate." Claire - "Carbs, lots of carbs (fruits, veggies, rice - anything along those lines). James - "A protein shake mixed with cocoa powder and powdered peanut butter."
  • What do you like to do in your spare time?
Angela - "Learning to play guitar and singing (or at least trying to)." Dave - "Hockey, fly fishing, and skiing." Claire - "Baking, reading, studying, and volunteering at a nursing home (as well as going to the gym, but that's a given)." James - "Fly fishing, running and skiing."

Thank you Meagher family for sharing your motivation and dedication to your health with us!